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Reseñas de Google

101 reviews
  • Living Nicely
    Living Nicely
    a month ago

    The woman who manages this place is stellar and she deserves five stars, but the guy who owns it runs it deserves none for running a monopoly in the Keys and jacking his rent and closing down a flea market that this community enjoyed. He does not care about locals. He barely ever answers the phone. His customer service sucks and I wish someone else owned U-Haul in Key Largo because it's a great company, but this man does not deserve the franchise. Rental increases are expected but not at this rate. Any good reviews for this place are because of Linda or U-Haul and its reputation for being a streamlined operation. The owner manager is another story.

  • M
    3 months ago

    Great service and answered all my questions about my rental. Helped make sure everything was correct equipment wise before we departed.

  • Ralph Rhodes
    Ralph Rhodes
    6 months ago

    I have rented from this location more than 10 times. Linda always makes it happen for me and overcomes any obstacles that may arise. Linda knows this entire operation inside and out and always has my truck ready to go. U-Haul should be compensating this woman well because she could not be replaced.

  • Jorge Rodriguez
    Jorge Rodriguez
    6 years ago

    Best U-Haul to go to in the Florida Keys...Mario and Linda are the best! They are very helpful and friendly. Highly recommended.

  • Natalie Rose
    Natalie Rose
    6 months ago

    A/C worked, seats were comfortable, ride was smooth, belongings stayed secure and nothing broke.

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