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¡Bienvenido a Tom Thumb Food Stores!
Nos especializamos en ofrecer servicios de gasolinera de alta calidad y

  • limpieza excepcional de nuestras instalaciones.
  • Accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas.
  • Estación de lavado de autos para su conveniencia.
  • Disponibilidad de combustible diésel y canje de propano.

Ofrecemos también cómodas instalaciones sanitarias y aceptamos pagos con tarjeta de crédito y débito, junto con pagos móviles NFC para su comodidad.





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25 reviews
  • Tonya
    a year ago

    Women's bathroom was clean and updated. The rest of the gas station seemed very well kept also!

  • Brandon H.
    Brandon H.
    4 years ago

    $100 pre auth “hold” placed on my credit card for $15 gas. Unnecessary and particularly inconvenient given that I was in the Keys... on vacation. Vacay funds short $85.00 for 3-5 business days. No other place does this pre auth these days and if they do it’s for $50. Update you shtuff.

  • Angela Bunch
    Angela Bunch
    7 years ago

    BEWARE: This store is a hazard. 2 inches pieces of rebar sticking out of the parking humps. Corporate accepts zero responsibility for any harm/ damage to yourself or your vehicle. Watch where you park- Watch where you walk and Please watch your children! No matter how MINIMAL the injury or damage..... IMMEDIATELY call the Police to file a legal report and notify your insurance company and/or Attorney. Be safe!

  • Yohaniz Ceballos
    Yohaniz Ceballos
    2 years ago

    The gas they sell is pure water on June 8, 2022 I put gas in this gas station and a few hours later my car did not walk I ended up at the dealer and I had to pay a lot to be able to fix it.

  • Steven Siekkinen
    Steven Siekkinen
    4 years ago

    Gas pump card reader didn't work and they only had regular gas. Also credit card machine i side was not working. May have just been that day. But it was inconvenient

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