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  • Excelente servicio en un lugar accesible.
  • Parada ideal para los camioneros con buenas instalaciones y acceso a combustible.
  • Contamos con un baño limpio y un ambiente amigable.




Reseñas de Google

8 reviews
  • Dwight R Wade III
    Dwight R Wade III
    7 years ago

    Excellent truck stop by my experience. Gas worked. Bathroom worked. Good peoples. I did want one of those frozen King Don's and that did not have them. I think a King Don is always a good addition to your store. Don't talk nutrition to me. I just like them and that's what I'm looking for in a truck stop, that and Sour Patch kids.

  • Ksenia McAdie
    Ksenia McAdie
    7 years ago

    I was pushed off the road by driver of huge truck. He cut in front of me, last second, without giving me any chance to stay on my line. For me the only way to avoid collision with his truck, or with another car behind me,- was to make sharp turn off the road, to a grass. I had not time even to check how deep ditch is. Driver who works for this company put my life at risk.

  • Grady White (Demwhiteboys)

    Great service

  • Mathew Boalch
    Mathew Boalch
    a year ago

  • Raul DeLeon
    Raul DeLeon
    2 years ago

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