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Amplio espacio verde con un YMCA y una arena de rodeo, además de campos deportivos y un pabellón de picnic alquilable. Este parque es ideal para familias y eventos, ofreciendo

  • un campo de béisbol
  • ,

  • cancha de baloncesto
  • ,

  • baños públicos
  • y

  • acceso para sillas de ruedas
  • . Cada domingo, se lleva a cabo un mercado de agricultores que apoya a pequeños negocios locales. Perfecto para días de diversión al aire libre.





    Reseñas de Google

    1.263 reviews
    • Cira Apitz
      Cira Apitz
      5 months ago

      This is one of Homestead parks but it seems to be the place where all the big events take place. It needs more parking although it's not small, it's crazy to park here when there's a big event going on like the Taco Festival.

    • Hello it's me Manny B
      Hello it's me Manny B
      11 months ago

      Decent park, my daughter had a soccer game here and the fields are nice they football fields with bleachers seating, which is nice, but it was very hard to find parking and the bathrooms aren't as clean as they should be but for juat watching games ita a good park.

    • danlmt
      2 years ago

      Rented the pavilion and was great success. Had under 300 people and the space was great w plenty of room for additional activities protected from the elements. Very clean and the facilities were also great. Clean and spacious bathrooms. Highly recommend.

    • Siempre en FAMILIA
      Siempre en FAMILIA
      in the last week

      Nice soccer field and a lot of parking lot

    • Lisbett is VIP
      Lisbett is VIP
      10 months ago

      It was a cinco de mayo celebration omg so fun!

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