En Eli School Bus Services Inc, ofrecemos un servicio de transporte escolar privado que se caracteriza por ser amigable, fiable y paciente. Nuestra prioridad es la satisfacción del cliente, y nos esforzamos por responder a todas sus dudas a lo largo del proceso.
Ivette Navarro
5 years agoFirst time using private school bus service since the charter school doesn’t provide this. But I’m very pleased with Eli and her company. They have been friendly, reliable and patient with me asking so many questions.
Natalie Garces
3 years agoDoes anyone know if this company is still in business? I’ve called their number multiple times and left messages but no return phone call. Do they have another number?
Alessandro Vila
4 years agoCould anyone please let me know the number to Eli’s school bus please? I’m trying to get in contact with her but the number that is there doesn’t work
a year agoTerrible!!! Bald Guy was driving crazy with kids and flicking people on the road off, with kids in the car!!!!
Valentina Martinez
3 years agoThey don’t awnser please the new phone number