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49 reviews
  • Yevhen Korenewski
    Yevhen Korenewski
    2 weeks ago

    Great wines and amazing food!

  • Marilyn Champagne
    Marilyn Champagne
    3 months ago

    Amazing waiter, the amber wines are great and it’s such a quiet and beautiful outdoor space!

  • Valentin Dutsch
    Valentin Dutsch
    8 months ago

    This place is so different from the loud and flashy places you find in Miami Beach. The wine selection is incredible, the staff is super welcoming and knows a lot about their craft. You should definitely check this place out if you want an authentic little piece of Europe on your trip to MB.

  • Elizabeth Figueredo

    Great, tiny little escape from the chaos of south beach. Small but solid wine list, well priced with excellent service and attention. Feels very lived in and rich, as if they’ve been there for decades. Adjacent to A la Folie, which is a great pre or post wine bar dining option. Seriously fell in love and can’t wait to go back

  • Elby Hernandez
    Elby Hernandez
    a year ago

    Stumbled upon this fabulous place on the way back home after a long day. Met the fabulous waitress Camila who gave me great recommendations that I ended up taking: the Sancerre she recommended was right up my alley, especially for the 70 degree weather i was enjoying this fine Thursday afternoon. I enjoyed some escargot too and soon melted into my seat, enjoying the ambiance and relaxed nature of the place. I’ll definitely be back. Can’t wait!

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