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  • Rápido y Eficiente: Su servicio de asistencia en carretera está diseñado para ayudarlo a resolver problemas relacionados con su vehículo de manera inmediata.
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    Reseñas de Google

    150 reviews
    • Linda Kraus
      Linda Kraus
      a week ago

      We were traveling north in a rental car and picked up a nail that caused a flat. We were close to AJ so went there. They quickly found the problem, patched the hole, and sent us on our way at minimal cost. Thumbs up. Locals, please patronize this establishment!

    • Jj Rich
      Jj Rich
      a year ago

      My tire was losing air profusely, and I didn't know what was causing it. I went to Aj's tire shop and told them my situation. The boss was very nice. They took my tire off, and right there was a nail. It left a huge hole in my tire when they took it out. They quickly patched it up and put the tired back on in about an hour. I was truly grateful

    • Mariana Mcgraw
      Mariana Mcgraw
      a year ago

      Love the staff really helpful in a second they are working in your tire, always I had been taking care, they are fast and fare rates!

    • Sergio Molina
      Sergio Molina
      3 years ago

      Incredible customer service! Came in with a flat and they started repairing it on the spot! It was patched up and good to go in less than 10 minutes. Very knowledgeable, fair prices, good people 👍 Can easily recommend!

    • spiky 747
      spiky 747
      3 months ago

      been going to AJ for few years for all my tire needs but today he ripped me off , charged $20 just to replace a leaking bad valve stem , if he had charged me $15 i would not have had an issue but $20 bucks Nahhh that's a tire mount and balance prices not valve stem prices , guess I will need to find me another "Honest " tire shop

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