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Wynwood Factory es un lugar emblemático en el corazón de Miami, reconocido por su ambiente animado y su oferta de entretenimiento nocturno.

Características destacadas:
Opciones de servicio: Ofrece asientos al aire libre, servicio de comedor y cuenta con áreas para reservas.
Ambiente y shows en vivo: Disfruta de gran música en vivo, actuaciones en vivo y una animada atmósfera con opciones como cocktails, cerveza, vino y más.
Accesibilidad: El local cuenta con acceso para sillas de ruedas en el aparcamiento y los sanitarios, asegurando comodidad para todos.
Eventos y experiencias: Su programación incluye noches temáticas y eventos especiales, creando una experiencia única para locales y turistas.





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80 reviews
  • Naveen A
    Naveen A
    5 years ago

    Great nightclub with awesome music. Crowd is super energized. They have 2 dance floors. Took my friend from California to this place and he loved it. Enough bar counters to get quick service. Smoking is allowed on the dance floor which I found to be bit strange.

  • byron williams
    byron williams
    5 years ago

    I had a lot of fun. I came from out of town to see a group of French artists. Music was great and the atmosphere was fun. The drinks were crazy expensive, but I heard it was cheap for Miami. It's in a cool artsy district too, lot's of murals.

  • Cm Ripit
    Cm Ripit
    5 years ago

    Top notch service from start to finish. Booked Vip table there during ultra weekend for Markus Schulz. RONNIE WAS AMAZING. our bouncer was exceptional in taking care of me and my guest. Always looking out for us when we might have drank a little too much. Our serverwas top notch !!!!HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO EVERYONE!!!!!👏👏👏👏💣💣💥💥. I can't wait to come back

  • David Roman
    David Roman
    5 years ago

    My favorite electronic venue for sundays with relic, i have been going for the last months and now i wanna take the time to thank them for creating this magical place with art from well known street artist like atomik and aholesniffglue be ready to see the new virgin /brightline train passing just behind. They also have a happy hour for yogis on sundays 🤙🏽, makes me do a marathon on sundays with the class at 4pm and the music to dance for the next 12 hours 5 to 5 . Highly recommended for locals or tourist, saturdays are latin nights with 2 different concept 2 full bars sometimes even 3 which makes the venue heaven to get hydrated.

  • Reinaldo Acosta
    Reinaldo Acosta
    6 years ago

    This clubbing scene in Wynwood turns in to the life of the party when famous artists are called in. It’s usually a Latino crowd with reggaeton, house, and rap music blasting from the DJ set. Drinks are Miami Cheap, $14, and you can rent hookahs/ narguile. Wynwood Factory has three bars that serve drinks, bottle service, and a seperate VIP area (wristbands needed). Cover charge is usually set at $15.

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