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Esta tienda es única y ofrece una amplia gama de productos, incluyendo

  • cristales
  • ,

  • estatuas
  • ,

  • incienso
  • ,

  • decoraciones de madera
  • y

  • joyería
  • . Además, es conocida por su ambiente positivo y tranquilo, donde cada visita puede convertirse en una experiencia memorable. Nuestras opciones de servicio incluyen:

    • Compras en tienda
    • Envío a domicilio

    También contamos con accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas, lo que asegura que todos puedan disfrutar de nuestra oferta. ¡Ven y descubre la joya oculta de Homestead!





    Reseñas de Google

    74 reviews
    • Myka Bushea
      Myka Bushea
      11 months ago

      Very nice shop, almost always have incense burning and wind chimes making noise, both the shop keeps are very nice people. Some of what they have can be on the pricier side but it's a good place to find crystals, statues, incense, some wooden decorations, and some jewelry.

    • Janet
      11 months ago

      🔥❤️ this store is amazing. The staff is friendly. Found the gift I was looking for. 🥰

    • SheRise
      4 years ago

      Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful shop full of many varieties of natural & dyed gemstones, crystals, smudge tools & you name it. I most definitely will be returning & I'll be making sure I have time to search the whole store To all my fellow local small business jewelers this spot is literally a hidden gem 💎. If anyone is looking for some Custom-made Handcrafted Items search Pieces By Reeses on Instagram @pbr.piecesbyreeses DM her & tell her Reeses sent you be sure to hashtag it & she'll take 10% off of your first purchase. Don't forget to DM & hashtag " #ReesesSentMe " I was so wrapped up into the shop I only captured picture of this beauty Smokey Quartz before leaving.

    • K
      a year ago

      After visiting I got a spam marketing email from Squarespace. I didn’t consent to having my email found & used after paying. Shame on you for selling or using people’s information for spam. They also have a limited variety of items. Inform people that you’re using their information. I’ve never seen this before. Intrusive.

    • Alaylah Lemus
      Alaylah Lemus
      a year ago

      Love this place it’s amazing! The energy is positive and tranquil prices are fair and customer services is excellent. 🌻

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