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  • Accesibilidad: El lugar cuenta con parqueo accesible para sillas de ruedas.
  • Ambiente Acogedor: Los eventos son organizados para brindar un ambiente amigable y divertido.
  • Actividades: Se llevan a cabo eventos familiares que promueven la convivencia y el disfrute en familia.
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    33 reviews
    • Jennifer Tuley
      Jennifer Tuley
      2 years ago

      Absolutely beautiful clubhouse and Christmas event. The atmosphere was very friendly, organized and fun! I skipped out on my own clubhouse Christmas event to participate with Waterstone. Santa was very jolly and very welcoming for photos. Thank you Waterstone Staff and organizers that made this event possible.

    • M Carr
      M Carr
      3 months ago

      Annual tree lighting 2024, Waterstone

    • Wanda Montgomery
      Wanda Montgomery
      5 years ago

      Always quiet and very clean area. My brother and his family reside there and I love it

    • Damion
      5 years ago

      Awesome clubhouse and lovely pool. Fun day for the family and kids as you enjoy the beauty and up keep of this place

    • A R
      A R
      a year ago

      Chritmas Night Light was great, fun for the kids

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