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  • Accesibilidad: Estacionamiento accesible para sillas de ruedas.
  • Entrada accesible: Entrada accesible para sillas de ruedas.
  • Recomendado para niños: Ideal para familias.





Reseñas de Google

57 reviews
  • T N
    T N
    a month ago

    Absolutely beautiful highway to the Keys! The drive itself is stunning, with amazing views at every turn. We stopped at several spots along the highway where parking was permitted, and the sunny weather made everything even more enjoyable. It was such a peaceful drive, and we even saw people fishing along the way. At night, the road is well lit, making it easy and safe for drivers. If you’re planning to drive to the Keys, it won’t disappoint.

  • Andrew
    2 months ago

    THIS IS WHY I COME TO THE KEYS. I freaking love this drive and love the views. I love fishing from the bridges, the second best part on the keys!

  • W G
    W G
    3 weeks ago

    The Overseas Highway was a great experience in driving, with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. The Gulf of Mexico is a great body of water and we derive much from it. It connects us to our neighbors and it is a bridge of commerce. It is also a place of scenic beauty and sportsmanship. You can put on a good audiobook or something to listen to ease back into your seat and drive for hours. It’s just such a wonderful drive.

  • Nikki Hutsen
    Nikki Hutsen
    10 months ago

    Beautiful views on the way to Key Colony! They never get old. I was able to capture a really neat boat driving next to us on the highway!

  • Levent
    7 months ago

    Great highway. Has diverse stops, great scenic spots, the Seven Mile Bridge, a lot of the Florida Keys, it's nature, the ocean, and more.

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