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Club nocturno de neón: Amplio club iluminado con neones que ofrece 5 bares y servicio de botellas, además de una pista de baile y música de DJ.

Algunos de los aspectos destacados del negocio:

  • Música en vivo y actuaciones
  • Reservas disponibles
  • Accesibilidad para usuarios con movilidad reducida
  • Variedad en bebidas: alcohol, cerveza, cócteles, vino y licores





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813 reviews
  • L
    6 years ago

    Probably in fact most definitely the most I paid into to get in a club. $80 dollars and T.I.P was there on the night we went however, the music and the DJ became irritating. It was not worth it and if you’re thinking of going, I’d go to LIV. It looks fancy and VIP but doesn’t feel it. At least I got to hear TI sing his two well known songs otherwise The rating may be non existent. More hype than substance.

  • Amanda Gellett
    Amanda Gellett
    2 years ago

    I can't blame the staff for the issues because I believe they are simply doing as they're told, but I think the establishment is poorly managed. The club is fine, nothing special, and the drinks are overpriced like any other club in Miami Beach. Apparently, you can only be served sparkling wine/champagne/Prosecco in a hard plastic champagne glass. Around 1am, I ordered a glass of bubbly rosé and was told that they are out of glasses so I'd have to wait (to clarify: the club opens at 11pm and doesn't close until 5am, but by 1am they were out of champagne glasses). When I stated that I don't mind the same amount in a plastic cup that they pour mixed drinks into, I was told "No," as if this was an unreasonable suggestion. So, I stood at the bar waiting for them to get the proper glasses (I wasn't willing to switch to liquor or beer). When some showed up, I caught the attention of the bar tender so that they didn't give all the glasses to customers who were just now ordering as I'd been waiting for the proper glasses. I guess I did this too rudely because I got attitude from the staff. I got my drink, signed the check, and then, not wanting to irritate the staff whom I could see were busy and whom I assumed were following the rules/regulations of the management, I wrote a simple statement on my bill expressing my thoughts of frustration: The management is awful and illogical. When I went back for my next drink, I was told that I was "cut off." The bar also would not serve the three friends I was with because the staff "knew" that my friends would just buy me a drink too, and I was meant to be cut off. Considering that I had paid quite a bit of money already, I hadn't cussed at the staff, I didn't cause a scene, I didn't harass other customers, and I wasn't sick anywhere in the building, I can only assume that my message was received by management and they retaliated. Therefore, proving my point of being awful and illogical. Just be aware that neither comment cards nor freedom of speech is respected at this establishment. Fortunately, there are plenty of other overpriced clubs in Miami Beach, so I won't be spending my money at this one in the future.

  • Eric Riddle
    Eric Riddle
    6 years ago

    Very high end night club, be dressed to impress or you are not getting in. We purchased tickets in advance the night before, which I recomend you do. Believe the other reviews that the artists are NO SHOWS or just a lie to sell tickets. However, cover is cheap enough to just go here for the club itself. It is multiple levels, high energy, lots of lights and lasers, extremely extremely busy. You will be shoulder to shoulder with people and have to stand your ground being pushed from all sides. That makes its fun its it on way though. Like being in the front row in GA at a concert. Worth the visit, but drink before unless you are willing to ball out of control here... A vodka and cranberry was $40. I am not exaggerating. I couldn't believe a tab for ordering 2 drinks was $80... insane. Lots of beautiful people, lots of staff and bouncers, high end club. Worth the visit if your into this type of place, but be prepared to spend.

  • James B
    James B
    3 years ago

    Sometimes the cover is 100 dollars at the door maybe more, mixed drinks are 30 dollars, that’s including a tip for the bartender. Sometimes they put tables right in the middle of the dance floor to break it up right down the middle so there in no dance floor at all when they do that. Sometimes the talent who’s advertised doesn’t perform so they’re just standing there with a spotlight on them while the DJ plays music of theirs. The lights are pretty extravagant.

  • Josh N
    Josh N
    3 years ago

    Really? $150 for a ticket to see an artist and wait in line for hours like a peon, meanwhile groups cut the line with a promoter and group of girls? I understand their is a balance, but when a group spends over $600 to get in you shouldn’t be waiting in line for hours. This is a scandal.

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