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Disfruta de la mejor experiencia nocturna en Simmons Bar, donde el ambiente acogedor y la música en vivo crean el ambiente perfecto para relajarte después de un largo día. Ofrecemos

  • juegos de bar
  • ,

  • cócteles gourmet
  • ,

  • una amplia selección de cervezas
  • , y

  • karaoke
  • para que puedas mostrar tu talento. Nuestro bar cuenta con:

    • Acceso para sillas de ruedas
    • Áreas al aire libre
    • Servicios de entrega y comida para llevar

    ¡Ven y comparte momentos inolvidables con amigos y familia!





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    164 reviews
    • Bert Coker
      Bert Coker
      a year ago

      Had A Bourbon rocks in a real glass. Bartender was very nice and accommodating . Older crowd which I liked. Patrons were doing Karaoke. Enjoyable friendly place. I think everyone would enjoy this place

    • Matthrew Collins
      Matthrew Collins
      a year ago

      Simons is an awesome place to take your wife or husband on a date to spice up your relationship. Play pool, have a couple beers and just relax and chill to the in house band. They ROCK ... Very laid back atmosphere...

    • B. Cato Cook
      B. Cato Cook
      5 years ago

      This bar is a classic that my parents have frequented nearly every winter for years. There's always a good time to be had, and Gloria shows exceptional care towards her patrons, staff and cats :)

    • Mike D
      Mike D
      2 years ago

      Best good old boy bar in town ! Beer & hotdogs ! Yeeehaaaa. GREATEST LITTLE PLACE IN HOMESTEAD !

    • Jeremy Lenoury
      Jeremy Lenoury
      a year ago

      I could not say enough about the Staff atmosphere and other patrons at this establishment. Renee who was bartending was out of this world, I've been on the road for 2 months and have not been treated so spectacular yet. They All welcome me with open arms, I even ran out of cash and they refused to let me leave and bought my drinks for the rest of the night. Where does that ever happen? Here Thanks for the wonder evening folks!! I'll be back one day.

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