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Ubicación minorista de un fabricante de suministros de pintura tanto para productos interiores como exteriores.

  • Amplia selección de productos de pintura.
  • Atención al cliente excepcional y personal capacitado.
  • Opciones de recogida en la acera y recogida en la tienda.





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66 reviews
  • Alexis Sanchez
    Alexis Sanchez
    a week ago

    Excellent service, very friendly guys, my favorite store in Key Largo

  • Lisa Hatyina
    Lisa Hatyina
    2 years ago

    I brought in a piece of my wall for them to paint match color and sheen so I could repair a small section of a wall. Painted my section and the next day realized color was wrong and so was the sheen. Called the store and explained that their employee did the paint match and sheen match, but they were wrong. I asked if I could return the quart of paint and they said yes. At the store today tried to return it. Person opened the can and said you can't return it (we used about 2 inches out of a quart). He blobbed paint all over the top and side which I didn't see right away and of course I have it all over my hand, arm and clothing. They lost a good customer over $25.

  • Jamie R
    Jamie R
    7 years ago

    The employees are very helpful and friendly. I spent about a month and 10 samples later before I made my decision on a color, but they were very patient and helpful. They have various supplies in store as well. They would be considered a smaller store, but have everything you'll probably need.

  • Antonio L Martinez
    Antonio L Martinez
    2 years ago

    This store and its staff are amazing. I prefer to shop at this store instead of others which are closer to me. Do not be afraid to ask any questions, they always have the right answers.

  • James Hides
    James Hides
    7 years ago

    The girls he has working in there don't know English very well and don't care about the customer needs. The manager it's less than useless. I just wanted 2 part epoxy something that he could recommend to me he said he has 23 different kinds and I should go home and do my research before coming back in... Isn't that the point. Isn't that why I am there talking with you. They will never get my business again and you should consider going to Benjamin Moore instead.

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