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Seminole Wayside Park es un hermoso lugar ideal para aquellos que buscan conectar con la naturaleza. Este parque cuenta con

  • senderos accesibles
  • áreas ideales para niños y familias
  • se permite la entrada de perros

en un entorno tranquilo y rodeado de vegetación nativa. Los visitantes han elogiado su limpieza y la belleza de sus senderos. Es un excelente destino para picnics, caminatas y momentos de relajación.
Además, el parque está cerca de un área de preservación natural, lo que permite disfrutar de una mayor biodiversidad y tranquilidad.





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48 reviews
  • Devon Newsom
    Devon Newsom
    2 years ago

    Very beautiful small place. Has a nice trail in the back that branches out a decent way. Decently clean and not too busy. A lot of nature and little bugs and animals. Has native plants and bugs. Super pretty place. Has a table outside and some trash cans but outside of that its nice. Mainly for the trail.

  • Peter Oates
    Peter Oates
    a year ago

    So this park is adjacent a Nature Preserve Protected Area which makes it a good park off the rip.

  • Brody Severe
    Brody Severe
    4 years ago

    This undisturbed pineland preserve is a beautiful example of the pine Rockland habitat & the incredible biological diversity that one can find here. If you visit, make sure to walk into the center of the park where you’ll find yourself secluded among the trees without any visible streets or development. I love the wilderness & this place is like an oasis surrounded by city where I've enjoyed connecting to nature, yoga, & vegan picnics while leaving no trace on the environment. I’ve seen many kinds of butterflies & various types of birds here. Also, the pleasant smell of pine needles awakens my senses acting as a form of aromatherapy. There are many trails. Rarely have I seen people in the center parts of this park. Absolutely recommend a visit to appreciate the natural beauty of the Seminole Wayside Preserve.

  • Ginger Meilan
    Ginger Meilan
    12 months ago

    Nice , safe , popularly used hiking trail & camping spot. It’s free to station and hang there with the family and enjoy a little bit of nature.

  • Anthony Rodgers
    Anthony Rodgers
    a year ago

    Amazing spot to relax and do nothing! There’s no specified parking, but the views were great and it feels good to be surrounded by trees and nature.

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