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1.134 reviews
  • Joseph Souchak
    Joseph Souchak
    2 weeks ago

    We had a great experience! Good was good, and there was a nice kind of peace that's uncommon in Miami while I was there, definitely coming back.

  • Aj Sue
    Aj Sue
    a year ago

    Royal Palm Grill is a most excellent old time, authentic diner! From the chrome stools at the counter, to the booze with the wooden tables to the eclectic staff with the greatest hospitality service… Super excellent I had an omelette and some grits with coffee… All hot and perfectly cooked. The grits were super hot and super smooth and just delicious. The coffee kept coming and Brandi made me feel like a regular… And this place is built on regulars! They have some specials… But the menu choices are good. If you like old Timey authentic, this is a place for you.

  • Abel
    8 months ago

    This restaurant might give a hole-in-the-wall vibe, however, don’t be fooled by the appearance cause they serve great food and eclectic staff with the greatest hospitality service. Perfect atmosphere. Everything was great. I would definitely come back again.

  • Ke’Vyn Grant
    Ke’Vyn Grant
    a week ago

    The food was amazing. I was recommended here by some locals. My only gripe was that the inside looked terrible. I couldn’t tell if there was active construction going on or not. What I will say in addition is that I asked for recommendations and the boy were they good. A must try are the Cinnamon Toast Crunch French Toast and the Country Style Omlet.

  • Liyana
    a year ago

    This restaurant might give a hole-in-the-wall vibe, however, don’t be fooled by the appearance cause they serve great food and coffee! We enjoyed everything that we ordered (French toast, eggs, and sausage). Staffs were also friendly and attentive. They were busy and had a lot of pick up orders, but we didn’t have to wait long to get our food.

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