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Granja rural pacífica que ofrece 4 casas sencillas y una piscina natural en medio de 5 acres de jardines orgánicos.

  • Ubicación ideal para visitar los Everglades y Key Largo.
  • Acceso a cocina al aire libre completamente equipada.
  • Ambiente rodeado de vegetación exuberante y tranquilidad.





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23 reviews
  • Rachel Raab
    Rachel Raab
    a month ago

    Really disappointed we spent $1,200 on a subscription and we’ve mailed various times letting you guys know that we are moving and we’ve gotten no response. It’s been three weeks. We’ve spent approximately six emails and I’ve called numerous times. Can someone please get back to us so we don’t have to escalate this to a third-party ?

  • Jedidiah Gordon-Moran

    Idyllic atmosphere in among lush vegetation. The accommodations are rustic (short walk outside to the bathroom) but very comfortable (ceiling and a/c). Wonderful, fully equipped outdoor kitchen for guest use. Ernest have us a tour when we arrived and did a great job of making us feel at home. The natural swimming pool is wonderful. The only downside is the noise from nearby farms which can detract from the peaceful atmosphere but that is not the fault of Paradise Farms. Great location for visiting the Everglades and Key Largo. Highly recommended.

  • Carl Alguire
    Carl Alguire
    2 years ago

    Organic, Sustainable, Regenerative farm and wellness center. Does tours and sells at local farmers markets

  • Jan Reyna
    Jan Reyna
    11 years ago

    I love this place. The organic greens and everything else they have there are excellent!

  • Octavio
    9 months ago

    Nice and clean friendly employees

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