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4.359 reviews
  • Jennifer Kerr
    Jennifer Kerr
    3 weeks ago

    Great experience at an Iconic place, but I must say that it felt “ processed” . It is obviously a money making operation but for what we paid, the food quality could have and should have been better. The drinks were very weak, and very expensive. I am so glad we went to The Palace for the experience but once will be enough. The Queens were amazing and our server was great, just disappointed in the “ get em in, and get em out “ vibe

  • Bill Leannais
    Bill Leannais
    2 weeks ago

    Is it a trip to Miami without a stop at the Palace?! Such a fun drag brunch with top of their game drag queens. The food was very good and service was casual but it worked. We paid $55 each for the show, entree, and bottomless mimosas. Such a fun way to spend a couple hours.

  • Joey Cantieri
    Joey Cantieri
    a month ago

    We got the mojitos and they were strong! And delicious. The show at night which takes place every day and night was the most fun. Whenever I come back to Miami I WILL be returning :)

  • Eileen Martinez
    Eileen Martinez
    2 months ago

    What an AMAZING place. So much fun and high energy. Brunch is excellent with bottomless Mimosa's. The performer are suoer enteraining and fun. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.

  • Erika Barreda
    Erika Barreda
    10 months ago

    Apparently, I started at the top for my first drag show. I had so much fun. I needed food in my system, but was loving the experience so much, I started in a little late. The ladies did their thang in keeping us entertained and excited! The staff was outstanding our waiter was the best!!! The food was delicious and the servings were big. I always wanted to see a show & am so glad the Palace was my first.

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