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¡Bienvenido a NEXX Motel Homestead!
Disfruta de una experiencia única en nuestro motel, donde ofrecemos habitaciones limpias y renovadas, ideales para parejas que buscan un espacio privado y confort.

  • Habitaciones equipadas con altavoces Bluetooth y iluminación ambiental.
  • Baños actualizados y cómodos.
  • Tarifas competitivas: desde $32 por tres horas hasta $90 por una noche completa.
  • Política de satisfacción garantizada: ¡pregunta por nuestras sábanas no manchadas!

Además, nuestro servicio al cliente está siempre dispuesto a hacer tu estancia aún más placentera. ¡Esperamos verte pronto!




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230 reviews
  • Albert Colbert
    Albert Colbert
    5 months ago

    I used my new credit card there and 2 days later my card information was stolen and used online. The lady made a copy of my card and I'd. Becareful of this place in Homestead

  • Estela Velasco
    Estela Velasco
    a month ago

    0 Star worse place ever! Very rude personal!

    3 years ago

    I liked it a lot, the service was a little weird and creepy but the room was beautiful and came with Bluetooth speakers built in and amazing light displays inside. The bathroom and bed were clean and updated and the whole room was very well put together. A little small but worth the price.

  • Devon Newsom
    Devon Newsom
    2 years ago

    Now this was an experience of my life. I loved the room and the lights. It was a really good size room with a full bathroom, a pole, tv, Bluetooth speaker system, super cool lights. I loved it so much and I had such a fun time. Prices are pretty reasonable. Three hours is about 32$ and a whole night Is about 90$. They also offer some stuff to help your experience. 10/10 will come many times

  • Little Love
    Little Love
    5 years ago

    Not bad.... The rates are wonderful. The rooms are clean and remodeled nicely. If the sheets have yellow stains you can ask for non-stained or new sheets and they will accomdate 100%. If they do not YOU CAN GET A FULL REFUND. I absolutely like the motel and you can pay by the hour.

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