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Espacio comunitario al aire libre con campos deportivos de césped, canchas de baloncesto y una piscina abierta en verano. Disfruta de nuestras instalaciones que incluyen:

  • Cancha de baloncesto
  • Mesas de picnic
  • Baños públicos
  • Toboganes
  • Columpios

Ideal para familias y niños, un lugar perfecto para pasar un buen rato.





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128 reviews
  • Roslyn Gibson
    Roslyn Gibson
    2 years ago

    It’s unfortunate to say within the last two weeks the experience at this park has been horrendous! 3 different times and their own staff doesn’t know which policy to uphold to the public. The levels of rudeness escalates with these people! They allow you to enter the facility with the snacks and refreshments for your children but once inside they want to say it’s not permitted. They have no sale service of any kind and hydration stations were nowhere near. They need to figure out what they want to provide to the public as well as what will be permitted by the public. I express this after being consecutively approached even though they took our money & for the record, We ALWAYS ask if we may bring in what we’re carrying.

  • Esther “Diva J” Hiddo

    Very sad! Where are the community leaders! Why do they only care right around when it's time to vote? My son played and practiced football in this park, sadly there were times parents, coaches and children had to flee from bullets and fights. The park is unsafe and in my opinion just because if its so-call location no on cares! Its almost like the people living around this park don't matter! The bathrooms where always closed and parents of football players and Cheerleaders would have to walk to the neighborhood Walmart to use the bathroom. Hopefully, after the new apartments are built there will be a change and children growing up in this neighborhood will be considered important! It makes me both angry and sad that there have been several incidents and still no results to assist this neighborhood.

  • R M
    R M
    6 years ago

    Never any activities going on here for the children in the community!! They seem to only cater to the Hispanic soccer team. Just close the whole place down since it’s not being utilized for what it was designed for.

  • Allen Partee
    Allen Partee
    6 years ago

    It's a beautiful part nice in their area swings baseball field football field come take a look you like it

  • Teanna Bruce
    Teanna Bruce
    6 years ago

    It's fun and peaceful out their a good place for my family to hang out and sisters and brothers

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