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  • Excelente servicio al cliente y atención rápida a problemas en la comunidad.
  • Nuestras instalaciones son accesibles, con acceso para sillas de ruedas tanto en el aparcamiento como en la entrada.
  • Una empresa dedicada a la gestión inmobiliaria con personal profesional.
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    6 reviews
    • SHANE P
      SHANE P
      3 years ago

      Advise to look elsewhere. Our building oversight is almost none. I always have to call to have trash picked up, area cleaned, building to be painted etc. The place look like a trash dump at times. If you have doubt about my view, please be free to see for your self at any of there location they managed. The reason Im finally writing a review about this management company is that the manager sent me a reply email after I told her that a tree that a driver back into and knocked over, and replace with a new tree was dying. This new tree was dead or dying due to it wasn't being watered. We did pay $850 to replace this tree. Her reply back to me was " Yes super sad - we need to thank the truck driver for this" . I find this not to be a professional response from a manager and a management company that says They are a "professional management and staff are dedicated to serving our customer's needs. Our personnel are MP's greatest assets - courteous professionals who know our customers expect and deserve the very best". I ask where is this very best? I say Very sad.

    • Alexa Lagrotteria
      Alexa Lagrotteria
      2 years ago

      I have worked with MP property for years and I love how responsive they are when a problem arises in our community. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

    • Jenthay
      10 months ago

      Very easy to work with, and she has great communication.

    • Lenin Vivanco
      Lenin Vivanco
      8 months ago

      Excellent service.. thanks a lot

    • Miguel Hernandez (Negocio Miami)

      Excellent Service from Myriam

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