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Parque espacioso con caminos para hacer ejercicio, zona para perros, instalaciones para picnic/barbacoa, canchas deportivas & un parque infantil. Este parque es ideal para disfrutar en familia, ya que ofrece

  • un área limpia y segura
  • ,

  • jugadores de voleibol
  • ,

  • aulas de picnic
  • , y

  • un parque para perros
  • donde todos los amantes de los animales pueden disfrutar.





    Reseñas de Google

    1.051 reviews
    • Ireina Delgado
      Ireina Delgado
      4 months ago

      Love this dog park, always in good shape and enough space for the dogs to run around and exert energy. Which is helpful as we live in an apartment. Been coming here for years and still enjoy it no matter what part of the park I'm at.

    • Mark and Teddy Varnum

      We have stopped by the playground portion of this park many times, but this was our first stop with having a dog in our family. The dog park offerings are outstanding. Clean, nice benches with shade for the doggie parents. Other great amenities. One area for dogs under 35 pounds and another for over 35 pounds. The entire park is beautiful, typically clean, and typically feels very safe. Highly recommend! Check out our vlog on this on Hammocks to Coasters on YouTube.

    • Hayes Weggeman
      Hayes Weggeman
      3 months ago

      Nice municipal park with a nice area for kids to play. It has clean bathrooms. It's a good place to have children's birthdays.

    • Positive On Purpose

      This park is clean and has a volleyball court, a basketball court, a track, a dog park, and a playground with plenty of space left to host gatherings. My family and I love it here. Great place to catch a nap in the sun.

    • Maribel Soto
      Maribel Soto
      7 months ago

      A place to come out and enjoy with your family. And at the same time or after the kids have in the playground maybe go for a stroll Nice place to come

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