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    9 reviews
    • Massiel de la Rosa
      Massiel de la Rosa
      5 years ago

      I recently started using these products and it was love at first wash and smell. The lavender candle is amazing and the coco berry soap is fantastic! My skin is more than soft. I highly recommend these for anyone who wants smooth skin.

    • sofia p
      sofia p
      5 years ago

      My lips were really dry, and I started using the lip balm, and my lips got super soft and moistened. I felt a feeling of refreshment when I put the lip balm on. It was of great quality. I’m using the soap too, and my skin felt exfoliated and moisturized. I love the soap and lip balm! 5 stars!!

    • Dirly Bastida
      Dirly Bastida
      5 years ago

      My fiancé bought the CBD cucumber avocado bar soap and I could see a difference in our skin after literally one use! My face felt refreshed and looked smooth and not oily. We also bought the eucalyptus CBD candle and I really feel like I noticed the stress relief almost immediately. My fiancé had lost his wallet and I had lost my phone and after half an hour running around looking for both we lit the candle and my anxiousness went away immediately. Can’t wait to try more products!

    • Isamar Ramos
      Isamar Ramos
      5 years ago

      AMAZING soaps!!! Definitely helps me fall asleep a lot faster. I tend to toss and turn for a while before going to sleep despite how tired I may be. I also noticed that I sleep through the entire night. Most importantly, customer service is superb. I highly recommend.

    • Jen Cast
      Jen Cast
      5 years ago

      Best soaps I've ever used! They really help with post workout soreness and my skin has never felt better!

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