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  • Parque accesible para sillas de ruedas
  • Baños públicos disponibles
  • Ideal para niños: Buen lugar para actividades infantiles y cumpleaños.
  • Excelente campo de fútbol y fútbol americano: Espacios amplios para disfrutar de deportes.
  • Categorías




    Reseñas de Google

    157 reviews
    • Bruce Wayne
      Bruce Wayne
      a year ago

      Nice park for flagfootball, soccer, tackle football

    • Maurice Harris
      Maurice Harris
      7 months ago

      Hate that people just throw trash on the ground when they have trash cans... But the city do well to clean it up

    • anthony robinson
      anthony robinson
      a year ago

      Excellent Play Ground

    • Jiovani Silva
      Jiovani Silva
      6 years ago

      Probably the most unkidfriendly park in the Southwest area. Drug use is rampant throughout and if it weren't for the optimist club and we'll maintained basketball courts, I'd advise the city to dig it up and start anew. But for Flo City you can't expect to much more than a huge field and smoked out pavilions. Not bad during the early morning/ afternoon hours, but the rest of the day you will see dope. All types of dope.

    • Elsy Gonzalez
      Elsy Gonzalez
      5 years ago

      Went to a community event. So much fun! Hosts were awesome and interacted with the crowd. The event was focused to stop violence which I am all for! And the kids had a blast

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