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Amplio espacio para conciertos en el Arscht Center con 4 niveles de asientos y acústica de alta calidad.

  • Accesibilidad: Estacionamiento accesible para sillas de ruedas
  • Entradas y baños accesibles
  • Bar en el lugar
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    Reseñas de Google

    796 reviews
    • manuel aranguren
      manuel aranguren
      2 weeks ago

      The place is very nice and cozy. The location of the chairs and the sound are great. The lighting is good. The toilets are small, try to go when there are not many people. Its location is excellent and there are parking lots available in the area at different prices. Inside there is food for snacks and drinks. In these places the ordering line is long too. In conclusion, an excellent place for small and tasteful events.

    • Alex Silva
      Alex Silva
      a week ago

      First time here. Very nice and clean. All the staff was very nice. Vale parking is $30. You can find street parking 2 blocks away. Food , well sandwich was pricey so was a glass of wine. $47 total. Bathrooms are very clean, elevators on both ends plus stairs , no problem getting in or out. You do need to go through a security check point but it was fast. The seats from what I saw looked great. No blind spots but you do need to stand up if someone is seated in the middle of the row to go in and out. No pictures allowed which made the experience better with no distractions of cellular lights.

    • anna matyashina
      anna matyashina
      2 months ago

      Modern hall with perfectly good sound. Clean view even from the 3rd tier. No lines, helping staff.

    • Priscilla Molerio
      Priscilla Molerio
      10 months ago

      We came here on a school field trip, and it was wonderful! Such a beautiful presentation by Jacomo and Nu Deco! The sound was fantastic, and the singers (Emily King and Durand Jones) were crisp and clear with their lovely melodies. It was very well organized from arrival to departure. Thank you so much!

    • AnnaLynn Schooley
      AnnaLynn Schooley
      a month ago

      Saw Chicago Symphony. Beautiful hall

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