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794 reviews
  • Abdala Garcia
    Abdala Garcia
    3 months ago

    The lady with the breads at the window super rude to deal with. Asking for something simple as sauce and her not wanting to give it but rather quickly lying saying it was on the bag. I had to open it and repeat myself in which she gave me the sauce with a face. This is the reason people stop going to some restaurants. Hopefully she will get better at customer service.

  • a b
    a b
    a year ago

    SMH, Bowl not even full and their prices are higher than others. Food was also served luke warm and taste like it was run through some funny tasting water.... would not recommend this place, not worth it

  • Nick Marrone
    Nick Marrone
    6 years ago

    The food and the staff are awesome clean store with friendly service what else can I ask for!

  • Rusiel Del Valle
    Rusiel Del Valle
    9 months ago

    For how fast the food comes out, it's exceedingly fresh and delicious. A true delicacy given how scrutinized fast food is nowadays. Simply put, if you enjoy good food and want it fast, this KFC/Taco Bell is definitely a location you want to visit.

  • Katie Nelson
    Katie Nelson
    5 months ago

    Service was terrible! Very rude-threw bags of food across the counter. The crew laughed at people that complained about service.

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