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  • ¡Bienvenido! En JAGS Medical Office, Inc, ofrecemos atención médica de calidad en un ambiente acogedor y accesible.
  • Nuestra oficina está equipada con instalaciones accesibles, incluyendo parqueo y baños para sillas de ruedas.
  • Recomendamos hacer citas con antelación para que podamos atenderle de la mejor manera posible.





Reseñas de Google

4 reviews
  • Wendy Gonzalez
    Wendy Gonzalez
    9 years ago

    I am very picky with PCPs and medical offices in general. I don't care for many doctors but this one I did like. Its a small medical office but cozy, the service is really good,very attentive. I really liked the doctor, he's a very good listener and really cares about my health. Consulting with him was quite pleasant and he's a very knowledgeable doctor, especially with women health. I had an insurance company that reduced their network and so a couple of months after my initial visit I wasn't able to see this doctor anymore. I now changed my insurance that I would be able to come back to this doctor. I've only known one specialist in my entire life that I felt to stay with and now I found a doctor that I truly like. I recommend this place. You don't feel rushed through your consultation nor do you feel talked down upon like in some of my other visits with other doctors (the journey to find a good PCP I suppose).

  • Raymel Manreza
    Raymel Manreza
    6 years ago

  • Jackie Cossio
    Jackie Cossio
    6 years ago

  • Raul Moreno
    Raul Moreno
    9 years ago

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