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En el Humane Animal Care Coalition, ofrecemos un ambiente amigable y comprensivo para aquellos que buscan adoptar un nuevo miembro de la familia. Nuestro equipo está comprometido con el bienestar de los animales y trabaja incansablemente para asegurar que cada animal encuentre un hogar cariñoso.

  • Servicios de adopción – Adopta un perro o un gato y da una segunda oportunidad a un animal necesitado.
  • Atención veterinaria – Ofrecemos servicios de esterilización y cuidado médico básico para los animales adoptados.
  • Facilidades accesibles – Contamos con acceso para sillas de ruedas y áreas diseñadas para el disfrute de todos.

Estamos ubicados en Key Largo, y te invitamos a visitarnos para conocer a nuestros amigos peludos y aprender más sobre nuestras iniciativas.





Reseñas de Google

78 reviews
  • Brandon Thomas
    Brandon Thomas
    7 months ago

    I recently adopted a dog here that has turned out to be one of the best dogs I've ever had. I adopted another dog here who passed away last year, this shelter is amazing. I wouldn't go anywhere else before stopping here first!! The staff really cares about the animals here. My dog has turned out to be not as hyper and high maintenance as previously thought. She is super chill, loves to be outside, loves going sailing on our sailboat and loves going for car rides. She is very smart and hasn't tried running once (was told she was a runner). So I would def without a doubt give one of their animals a chance. The staff is absolutely amazing!!!

  • Hayleen Garcia
    Hayleen Garcia
    3 months ago

    Excellent service, we adopted our first cat Navy around May and our life it’s been so full of joy ever since🫶🏽

  • shawna mayfair
    shawna mayfair
    a month ago

    Adopted my kitty Nala Grey here and so so so happy that I did! Our lives are so much happier with her in it! Great facility! So dedicated to the welfare of the animals! I left feeling inspired!

  • yesika diaz
    yesika diaz
    a year ago

    Marsha is lovely she cares so much for the animals. This is her life honestly. She can attend your pet at home or you can bring it to the shelter. Once or twice a month they Sprays & Neuter for free at the shelter. If you are an upper key resident please call and make an appointment to help your pets and others. If you go around 11 or so you can take a cat to the playroom at no cost; or a dog to the play area. There is too many animals that need a 4ever home. Plenty of parking and kids friendly. I forgot to mention it’s very clean and it doesn’t smell like a shelter. If you would like to make a donation just contact Marsha the director. Today is July 25th and there is a Husky available for adoption among beautiful cats & dogs. MM106

  • Captain Ann Holahan

    The Most Caring Humane Care 4 I had 2 put down my beautiful baby Girl Savannah this past wk, Marsha, & crew stayed late, 💖 ❤️ I wuz w/ Savannah nvr lft baby Girls Side, & she went 2 sleep w/o any pain. They were kind, Humane, luv'in baby Girl Savannah, esp Marsha's luv ❤️ 4 all animals 💖 ❤️ ♥️ 💙 had it all taken care of professionally & humanely. Thk u All, Savannah Brite lite 🕯🕯🕯🕯🤲📿🛐⛪️💯💐💐is shing Brite in all of r hearts 💕 💞 ALWAYS & 4EVER the loss of Savannah has broken my heart 💔🐕🐕💋💋, but always always thought of Everyday. Luv & Miss u Baby Girl, my beautiful Savannah, luv ur Momma. Highly recommend Humane Coalition. Thk u Marsha 4 luv'in Savannah. Capt Ann Holahan

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