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Florida City Restaurant es un lugar acogedor que ofrece una experiencia gastronómica deliciosa y accesible.

  • Opciones de servicio: ¡Hazlo desde la comodidad de tu hogar con opciones de entrega y pedido para llevar, o ven y disfruta de un comedor!
  • Accesibilidad: Completamente accesible, con estacionamiento, entrada y asientos para sillas de ruedas.
  • Ambiente: Ideal para una comida solitaria o almuerzos en grupo.
  • Ofertas destacadas: Disfruta de comidas reconfortantes y un menú variado que incluye platos pequeños y opciones perfectas para picar.
  • Planificación: ¡Aceptamos reservas para asegurarte una mesa!





Reseñas de Google

29 reviews
  • Rusiel Del Valle
    Rusiel Del Valle
    9 months ago

    I've had the courtesy of dining here for years due to my close proximity to the location. Even with the (slight) price increases to everything, the quality of what you pay for definitely justifies it. The restaurant has a vast assortment of various condiments and accommodations to ensure your visit is worthwhile. The food itself is delicious and well-made, which is shocking given how quickly they make it. Overall, in the almost 3 years I've been in and out of this establishment, I can safely say that it is INDEED worth your time and money. - Rusiel

  • tik tok
    tik tok
    3 months ago

    Everything is great. They upgrade the whole reasturant. Looking clean and food was so yummy.

  • patricia pierre
    patricia pierre
    a year ago

    Service is quick food is fried to perfection well done and seasoned

  • Elaina Flynn
    Elaina Flynn
    a year ago

    The people were nice and the prices were low but the chicken was also spoiled. We ate a few pieces and it was ok but then I bit into one to discover a moldy taste. We split apart pieces of chicken and almost vomited at the smell. Could have gotten food poisoning.

  • Keisha Bell
    Keisha Bell
    a year ago

    The fried conch is seasoned and fried to perfection! It is a decent amount of conch and fries! Enough to fill you up! Reasonably priced as well. It is so good I didn't have time to take a pic!

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