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  • Un hermoso y acogedor santuario para los amantes del yoga en todos los niveles.
  • Cada uno de los instructores es fenomenal, trayendo positividad y un sentido de diversión a las clases.
  • Ofrecen una amplia variedad de clases, incluyendo sesiones en línea y muchas de ellas gratuitas.
  • Ubicado en el corazón de Coconut Grove, es el lugar perfecto para relajarse y rejuvenecer.
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    Reseñas de Google

    13 reviews
    • Augment Movement
      Augment Movement
      5 years ago

      I've been coming here for years and was surprised I never left a review. The instructors are by far some of the most knowledgeable I've ever met. The studio seems a little bare bones, but it has all the props you can ever need and a wonderful variety of classes, some even free! It's a great little space in the heart of The Grove. Only downside is parking on the weekends

    • Brent Knoll
      Brent Knoll
      6 years ago

      I've been going to Dharma Yoga Studio in Coconut Grove on and off over the years and let me tell you, there's no better place in Miami. The teachers are fun, knowledgeable and professional. They offer a wide range of classes from the beginner level to experienced. My favorite classes are with the owner Natalie Morales but all the teachers are great. I love Dharma Yoga Studio, the Community loves Dharma Yoga Studio and so will you!

    • Julia Brown
      Julia Brown
      5 years ago

      A beautiful and welcoming sanctuary for yoga lovers at all levels. Each and every one of the teachers I’ve had classes with was beyond phenonemenal and brought positivity and a sense of fun and humor to the class while guiding us through exercises of the breath, body and spirit. So grateful to have found this place!

    • Truth Setsusfree
      Truth Setsusfree
      5 years ago

      Off the plane , it was closed but looked and felt very welcoming and had energy potential. Will try to check out a sesh if time permits .

    • Drift Life
      Drift Life
      6 years ago

      Can't wait to keep going. Only have been once, but I felt great after and still two days later. Thank you!

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