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  • Disfruta de una experiencia única de snorkel en los hermosos arrecifes de coral de Key Largo.
  • Guías expertos que te enseñarán sobre la vida marina y cómo cuidar los ecosistemas.
  • Recomendaciones para que los niños tengan una experiencia divertida y segura.
  • Reserva tus boletos con anticipación para garantizar tu lugar en esta aventura.
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    6 reviews
    • Katie Keller
      Katie Keller
      a year ago

      This was a great experience. The captain and crew were ere welcoming and knowledgeable. They made sure we had fun and that we knew how to be safe and keep the reef safe. The trip price was reasonable, especially if you have your own equipment, if not it does get a bit pricey once you rent everything. The boat ride out was comfortable. Once off the boat the reef snorkeling was incredible! We saw many different kinds of coral and so many beautiful tropical fish! I would recommend this tour.

    • Thomas Jensen
      Thomas Jensen
      11 months ago

      The tour was incredible, coral, sharks, rays and many kinds of fish, and, apparently, a jellyfish or two. I missed the jellyfish and no one got stung or anything, just good times had! If you want a prescription mask they have a good selection as long as you know your prescription.

    • Lars Roloff
      Lars Roloff
      a year ago

      The boat ride was great. Team was also great. However, the thing was probably more of a tourist story. Not my thing. But a change.

    • Lolo Clem
      Lolo Clem
      11 months ago

    • Candy L
      Candy L
      12 months ago

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