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  • Opciones de servicio: Entrega, Drive-through, Para llevar, Dine-in
  • Popular para: Desayuno, Comidas en solitario
  • Accesibilidad: Estacionamiento accesible para sillas de ruedas, Entrada accesible para sillas de ruedas
  • Ofertas: Café, Bocado rápido
  • Opciones gastronómicas: Desayuno, Almuerzo, Cena, Postre
  • Amenidades: Servicios higiénicos
  • Atmósfera: Casual
  • Multitud: Grupos
  • Niños: Bueno para niños, Menú infantil
  • Estacionamiento: Estacionamiento en la calle gratuito, Estacionamiento gratuito





Reseñas de Google

123 reviews
  • Abiola Mcintyre
    Abiola Mcintyre
    3 months ago

    First off i ordered chicken mini breakfast, got home give it to my son, he comes back to said as he bite on part of the bread he saw this, upon looking to see exactly what it was i saw its Mold. Immediately i lost my appetite.. on my lunch break i returned my entire order for a full refund.. I would also like to add my daughter had their sweet tea sweet tea on a separate day and said it tasted weird not like sweet at all… i let that slide still decided to give them another chance that was their last chance.. another thing that drive through design wasn’t taught out well at all just madness.

  • Helena Quinones
    Helena Quinones
    in the last week

    The staff that take your order are extremely professional and courteous. Sometimes there is a bit of a line but it's worth the wait. I love the Mac and cheese

  • Jeanette Montalvo
    Jeanette Montalvo
    a month ago

    I ordered through doordash. First time ordering with this restaurant. Ordered a chicken sandwich meal and a Cobb salad. Deliverer brought me the bag, I got the salad and the drink that goes to the meal. But no sandwich or fries. There not paying attention to the online orders. Double check the order before delivery person picks it up. Or better yet, invest in paper bags that will fit everything in it. Big disappointment. Never will I order from them again.

  • jesenia garcia
    jesenia garcia
    2 months ago

    Half the employees are lost and confused. Couldn’t complete my breakfast order because “breakfast ends in 10 minutes”. Exactly if it ends in 10 minutes I still have time for breakfast. The lady was super rude. And I’ve had passed bad experience here but never cared to write a review about it but the problems are just continuous. And half the times when I order honey roasted bbq they give me honey mustard or honey.

  • Quiana Garner
    Quiana Garner
    a month ago

    I think they overextended themselves with not enough preparation for opening this chain. Very disorganized, the food is never fresh and tastes old, and for some reason every time I’ve eaten at this Chic Fil A I’ve gotten a stomach ache even when I just ordered fries. Not sure what is going on with this facility but not a good look for just opening.

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