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¡Bienvenido a Biscayne Shoppes!
Este centro comercial ofrece una variedad de tiendas y servicios para satisfacer todas tus necesidades.

  • Accesibilidad: Contamos con estacionamiento y entradas accesibles para sillas de ruedas.
  • Servicios en el sitio: Ofrecemos servicios en el lugar, incluyendo una variedad de opciones de restauración como Burger King y un gimnasio.
  • Opiniones de Clientes: Con una calificación de 4.3 estrellas, nuestros visitantes elogian la gran selección de tiendas y la conveniencia del lugar.





Reseñas de Google

466 reviews
  • rakesh pradhan
    rakesh pradhan
    3 weeks ago

    Number of shops along the Biscayne boulevard.. nice walk and good experience in shopping with availability of lot of brands… eateries and small drinking places as well..

  • Hugo Rocha
    Hugo Rocha
    4 months ago

    There's a BK. Also a gym and a family dollar.. metro pcs store...

  • Bishop Joe Obiagunwa

    Because they're doing a great job. Cannot be compared with any other systems setup especially here in America. They're the place to be, what which I am subtly saying is that they are the best. If you want to be right and on time, that always use them. Because that's your professional option and no more no less! Be smart!

  • Derek Trubiano
    Derek Trubiano
    7 months ago

    It's pretty nice right next to the track!

  • Mommy and Matthew
    Mommy and Matthew
    6 years ago

    Great shopping center, you have a family Dollar store for your everyday shopping needs, 24 hours gym for those who have a busy work schedule (no excuses) different eating options wings or burger King. Also there's a bank near by.

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